sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

Cambio de hora

A las tres de la madrugada del domingo 31 de octubre se produce el cambio de hora. Así, a las tres de la madrugada deberemos retrasar los relojes y pasarán a ser las dos. De modo que podremos descansar una hora más.

El objetivo es aprovechar más la luz diurna y conseguir de paso un ahorro energético. Sin embargo, no todos están de acuerdo con esta medida.

Si quieres saber más sobre el cambio de hora y la adopción en el mundo del llamado horario de verano puedes consultar estos enlaces antiguos:

3 comentarios:

  1. All the Countries in the world accepted the system of parallels and meridianes. In my mind I think it would be nice if there was also a unique time for all the planet and to know that if in England children go to school at 08:00, in Japan they go at 16:00, because the light of the day in Tokyo should start in that time.

  2. A comment certainly original. Your comments are usually always interesting and instructive. But this idea I'm not sure how it might apply. Apart from that it would be a bit complex I'm afraid. Greetings. Rafa ..

  3. Things seem complex until people don't decide to change. Could You think, Rafa, in 1990 that today we have the same money (Euro) since 9 years in Madrid, Helsinki and Bratislava? And who might think, 15 years ago, that today everybody has a portable telephone? Sometimes things just happen. However, I am agreed with You: abolishing the time zones, today, seems difficult. Best wishes!


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